Collective Poetry Project

with The Cultural Work of Poetry,
a project of the Culture Counts Reading Series at SJSU

For this production of La Muerte Baila, Teatro Visión had the honor of partnering with The Cultural Work of Poetry, a project of the Culture Counts Reading Series at SJSU.

Over the course of the past two months, The Cultural Work of Poetry and Teatro Visión held several workshops with high school students, college students, artists, and community members to reflect on the themes of La Muerte Bailajoy, healing, forgiveness, and remembrance.

Following the workshops, students from Silver Creek High School and San José State University wrote poems expanding on those themes. Members of The Cultural Work of Poetry took responses, poem drafts, and other contributions from the workshops and created collaborative poems, written collectively based on the input of our community.

Click here to read the poems.

The members of  The Cultural Work of Poetry who facilitated the workshops and created the collaborative poems include:

Dr. Jonathan D. Gomez

Alberto Camacho

Annie Abundiz

Jorge Castillo

Naya Hill

Jesse Pantoja

Members of Teatro Visión and The Cultural Work of Poetry pose together for a photo.

Members of the La Muerte Baila team and The Cultural Work of Poetry