MACARIO tickets on sale NOW

MACARIO print 2 by Manny Silva MACARIO print 4 by Manny Silva
MACARIO print 5 by Manny Silva MACARIO print 7 by Manny Silva

Now through Labor Day, you can order tickets for the 2015 production of MACARIO at $10 off the door price by taking advantage of our "Early Bird" program! This year's production is already shaping up to be an amazing spectacle of theater, music, dance, and artistry.

We hope you'll join us at the School of Arts & Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza from October 15-25.

Click here to order tickets today!

If you'd like to learn more about MACARIO, including how to request discounted tickets for students, organizations, or other groups, please visit our website or send an email to Community Engagement Manager Melissa Lozano at [email protected].