Teatro Visión and La Quinta Teatro invite you to participate in a binational conversation between the communities of México and the United States.
Join us in this cross-border approach to strengthen our mutual knowledge and discover together what makes us unique.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
From 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
The talks will be offered on the ZOOM platform.
The people who register will receive the link.
You can register online to reserve your spot at: https://forms.gle/ktHH3DgapvKep7pB9
Questions? Visit www.teatrovision.org/raices, email us at [email protected], or call us at (408) 294-6621.
Teatro Visión y La Quinta Teatro te invitan a participar en “El Convite”, una conversación binacional entre las comunidades de México y Estados Unidos.
Acompáñanos en este acercamiento transfronterizo para fortalecer el conocimiento mutuo y descubrir juntos lo que nos vuelve únicos.
Jueves 23 de septiembre
De 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm
Las charlas se ofrecerán en la plataforma ZOOM.
Las personas que se registren, recibirán el enlace.
Inscríbete en línea y reserva tu lugar https://forms.gle/ktHH3DgapvKep7pB9
¿Preguntas? Visita www.teatrovision.org/raices, escríbenos a [email protected] or llámanos al (408) 294-6621.
Raices: el libro de los caminos is being created with funding from a Hewlett Foundation 50 Arts Commission; The Map Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature of Mexico; Mosaik Philanthropy; and a grant from the City of San Jose.
Teatro Visión’s operations are supported, in part, by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San José; Castellano Family Foundation; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation; Silicon Valley Community Foundation; Fleishhacker Foundation; and SVCreates, in partnership with the County of Santa Clara.