Enjoy scenes from Teatro Visión's Macario (2019), Departera (2018, world premiere), La Muerte Baila (2017), and Luz: A Shadow Play Inspired by Senior Stories (2020, world premiere).
Teatro Visión's programs and operations are supported, in part, by grants from the City of San José Office of Cultural Affairs, the Castellano Family Foundation, Fleishhacker Foundation, Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and Silicon Valley Creates.
Macario (2019) was supported, in part, by Applied Materials Foundation, California Arts Council, Fleishhacker Foundation, Heritage Bank of Commerce, the National Arts and Disability Center at the University of California Los Angeles, Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation, Silicon Valley Creates, and School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza.
Departera (2018) was supported, in part, by Applied Materials Foundation; the City of San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs; California Arts Council; the Creative Work Fund, a program of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund that also is supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Fleishhacker Foundation; Heritage Bank of Commerce; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; National Endowment for the Arts; Silicon Valley Creates; and School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza.
La Muerte Baila (2017) was supported, in part, by Alliance for California Traditional Arts, the City of San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs, California Arts Council, Fleishhacker Foundation, Heritage Bank of Commerce, National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures, National Endowment for the Arts, Silicon Valley Creates, and School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza.
Luz: A Shadow Play Inspired by Senior Stories (2020) was made possible by an Audience Engagement Project Grant and an X Factor Grant from Silicon Valley Creates and by School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza.